Did you know lighting accounts for over 30% of your property’s energy use? Immediately lower your property’s utility costs with these energy efficient lighting solutions.

  1. Upgrade your outdoor lighting to LED
    If you are not using LED for your outdoor and parking lot lighting, you should. Your energy costs associated with lighting will be reduced, and your property will be brighter. Here in Maryland you can receive discounts for each new bulb, and also retrofitting incentives for upgrading your fixtures. As the days get shorter, your outdoor lights will be on longer, so take advantage of the cost savings now.
  2. Adding occupancy sensors and dimmer switches in your common areas can greatly reduce energy costs
    Even during the day, you can utilize automatic occupancy sensors to lower or turn off the lighting when no one is in the room. There are upfront project incentives from BGE you can capitalize on with Walter Electric’s help as a BGE Preferred Provider with their Smart Energy Savers Program.
  3. Interior lighting improvements
    Did you know there are specific “delamping” incentives provided by BGE? They pay you up to $60 to replace old lighting fixtures with LED or volumetric fixtures, and not only do they additionally offer discounts on the specific LED bulbs, but cost savings on your utilities is icing on the cake.

Walter Electric is a BGE Smart Energy Savers preferred provider. We can navigate available incentives and ensure you are getting the most value for your property, while reducing utility costs.

Call today to consult with our expert electricians 410-590-5959 .